In compliance with Federal and State equal employment opportunity laws, qualified applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, or disability.


Giese Employment Application

Employment History

[Please start with your present, or most recent, position.]

Record of Education


Military Service Record

In Case of Emergency, Notify:

Certification + Authorization

[Please read and understand this statement before signing your application.]

The information I have provided in this Application for Employment is true, correct, and complete. False, incomplete, or misrepresented information of any kind will be sufficient cause for my application to be rejected or, if discovered after I am employed, cause for immediate termination of my employment.

I authorize the employer to contact and obtain information about me from previous employers, educational institutions, and the "References" I provided, and any other party necessary to verify the accuracy of information I disclosed in this application, a related employment resume, or a personal interview. To assist in the processing of my Application, I waive all rights and claims I may otherwise have against the employer or its representatives, for seeking and using information to evaluate my employment request and all other persons, corporations, or organizations who provide information for this purpose.

This application will expire in thirty(30) days. After that date, unless otherwise notified, I understand that my status as an applicant will end. I may re-apply for employment in the future by completing a new application.

This application is not an employment agreement. If I accept an offer of employment, I understand that I will be an employee at will and that I or the employer may terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice, unless required by law. I understand that no one, other than an executive officer of the employer, has authority to enter into any employment agreement with terms contrary to the foregoing and then only in writing signed by such officer.

I understand that employment is conditioned upon satisfactorily passing a physical examination and/or drug test. I agree to complete a physical examination and/or drug test by your company when requested to do so.

I understand that providing direct deposit authorization is a mandatory condition of my employment and I agree to provide the necessary information.

I authorize my employer to obtain records from various Federal, State, and other agencies pertaining to my driver's license and driving record when requested to do so.

I fully understand and accept all terms and conditions in the above statement.